Setting Up FaceBook: Week 5 Part B
FaceBook: Week 5 Part B
The world of social media can be daunting and confusing, there are may terms, algorithms, and tactics for creating a strong and developed social media account for your brand.
Two keywords that are used in social media post reach and post engagement. These two things play hand and hand with each other, however play different roles in the social media world. Post reach is the number of people or audience in which your post is reaching. Meaning this is the number of screens and accounts your post is being seen on. Post engagement is when a person interacts with the post they are seeing by liking, commenting, or sharing the post. Meaning once your photo is being seen by people which is the post reach, for the post to get the engagement it will need the user to physically contribute to that post in some way.
Knowing the difference between these two ideas is key to understanding why some people may have a larger following than they get in likes and comments. With different algorithms some accounts may not get seen, eliminating their post reach, which lowers their engagement. Furthermore, may accounts will have a large post reach, but no call to action to cause people to engage.
FaceBook insight allows not only the brand to know who is seeing the post, how many are engaging, and what kinds of posts are the customers are enjoying, but it also allows the brand to take that information and make the experience better for the customer. Facebook insight allows the brand to see what their customers and followers are enjoying and what they are not. With this information, the brand can post more of what their audience is enjoying and less of what they are not enjoying. This makes the experience a lot more enjoyable for the customer and will cause them to want to come back for more.
This tool also allows the brand to grow a connection and relationship with their audience, which allows for content to be worthwhile, meaningful, and useful to all individuals viewing.
Knowing what your audience likes and wants to engage in is key to making your social media accounts useful to your business. By utilizing FaceBook and the different tools it allows you are getting insight to better your customer's experience, which will make them more likely to buy, contribute to posts, and put your brand higher in the algorithms.
Until next time,
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