Engaging Your Customers: Week 6 Part B

 Engaging Your Customers:

Today I will be discussing how I will create dynamic content for my followers to view on my social media accounts. I have created pleasing videos as well as photos to post on my social account. As well, I have created a discount code that is limited for a specific time to create a small pull campaign. 

Looking at the analytics of my Facebook lead me to believe that my audience is looking for content that is pleasing to the eye, good quality, as well as different and dynamic than my other post. The approach of switching media types engages my audience more than content that is predictable and stagnant. As well, to gain more engagement I will create engagement questions on my posts to get people interested and drawn into the account. Furthermore, I am utilizing more hashtags and seeing how that might impact how sees my account and who engages in my post. I am utilizing an app called Unum to post both of my Instagram and Facebook content so it is linked, providing hashtags that are already input to each post as well as post cohesively on both social accounts at once. 

Upcoming Posts and Content: 

The reason I have selected this image and the caption is that; The image displays the product I am trying to sell as well as ties into my feed and branding, as well the caption focuses on a pull marketing tactic to bring the audience to the site to purchase an item. 

The reason I selected the next post is that it is a video promoting our next Photoshoot Event, and is marketing something we sell as a brand. I want to grab the audience and I feel that by having a video it will draw the audience in. 

The reason I selected this post, is because it focuses on the mission of my brand. It is important to bring attention onto back to the mission and to bring in the people that care for the problem. This is why I created a video focusing on a pair of reworked jeans to market the idea of sustainability. 

Activity Log and Page Analytics: 


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