Developing Online Advertising: Week 13 Part B

 Developing Online Advertising:

For this week I focused on ads regarding social media platforms. This is a concept that I believe is crucial to growing your brand and allows for more people to see your brand and your feed. As a brand today on social media I want to utilize these ad platforms on my social media accounts to further my brand. 

For my first ad, I posted it on Instagram and created it regarding the newest magazine issue for my brand. It allows people to see the cover of the next issue and the theme. The goal of this ad was to allow my audience to see and hear about the newest issue of the magazine as well as allow them to pre-order a copy for themselves. The call to action was to get people informed about the magazine, on the website, or ordering an issue. In the caption, I directed them to where to buy the magazine and what the theme of the issue was. As well, in the caption, I utilized hashtags at the bottom of my post.  

For my next ad, I posted it also on Instagram and creating it regarding a partnership with a nonprofit organization, where we are giving proceeds of our profits to the organization. In specific, the goal of this ad was to promote not only the partnership with the nonprofit organization but also the fact that 50% of the proceeds of the item in the ad are going to the organization as well. The call to action for this ad was to allow people to see the partnership and order a shirt to support the nonprofit. I included hashtags at the end of this caption as well.

For the last ad, I posted it on Instagram as well and created it to promote the first issue of my magazine. The ad promotes an interview that is on the magazine and allows a sneak peek into the first issue. The goal of this ad is to get people interested in heading over to the website to either check out the digital version of the magazine or order a copy for themselves. Furthermore, the call to action in this ad is to get people to view the magazine. As well, at the end of the caption, I put hashtags that were relevant to the post.

At the end of the day, I have learned about how to make an ad appear appealing to an audience as well as clear to the audience. Ads are so important nowadays especially on social media platforms and should be utilized to gain an audience, promote your brand, or promote a product or service successfully.

Until next time, 



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