Online Advertising: Week 13 Part A

Online Advertising: Week 13 Part A

 When on social media platforms advertisements are regular appearance from a day to day. more than ever when looking at social media platforms there are advertisements filtered into the feed of all with social media accounts. It is quite a regular thing to see on your feed and most of the time is not even thought twice about.

The most prevalent platforms where I see advertisements would be YouTube in their ads before between and after videos, Instagram/Facebook where they are filtered throughout your feed, and Pinterest where they are filtered throughout your explorer page.

I have done the research and noticed that most of the ads that I get on any social media platform are relevant to my interests, what I search, and look at on my social media platforms. Due to the algorithms on many of the social media platforms, they will accumulate the best advertisements for the best audience. Many of the ads that I receive our fashion clothing, inspirational coaches, as well as magazine subscriptions. These are all things that are relevant in my field of interest. However, every once in awhile I will receive ads from real estate agents, food restaurants, and or something quite random for my field of interest.  

When receiving advertisements from a field of interest that I am not interested in I will point out that is an advertisement much sooner, and intern most likely turning away from the advertisement or ad on my feed. However, when the ad is incorporated into my feed and blends with it, I am more likely to be interested in the ad and not bypass it. 

Most of the calls to action on my social media platforms are to buy a product, service, or get you to a website. I have also seen many calls to action that want to get you to a certain location like a restaurant or salon.

The most effective and eye-catching in my opinion would be ones with quality content and images to support the ad. This doesn’t necessarily mean a stock photo, I find it much more appealing to have something that doesn’t necessarily seem like an ad but shows off the product well and gets the point across. More nonchalant ads are the kinds of ads that I would personally click on because instead of a more in the face photo expressing that it is an ad it is more of a quiet and calm approach. 

I feel that the most important takeaway of social media ads and promotions that they are getting in the direct face of a consumer. Especially in the time that we are living in right now, people are more focused on their phones than looking up at billboards. As well, with Covid restrictions, this is the best way to reach a broader audience.

Overall, I feel that social media ads and promotions have been and are becoming the best way to promote your brand, products, or service to the public. It is easy to access to your audience as well as is an effective one.

Until Next Time, 



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