Marketing Strategy : Week 15 Part A

 Marketing Strategy :

Throughout this course, I have learned much more about not only what it takes to have a presence on social media platforms but as well, what it takes to have a successful social media that engages your audience, grows your audience, and represents your brand. I have learned a lot about the different types of social media platforms and what they provide. Overall, something I took away from this class is social media accounts are much more than just apps, they have grown to be a business, career, and useful tool for many people and businesses.  

Through this class, I have learned how important it is to thoughtfully put out content that evokes your brands mood, branding, and personality. Everything that a brand posts on their social media platforms is for a purpose rather than just to get contact out there. That is why social media strategies can be so beneficial to growing your brand, getting the right image out there, and catering to your audience. 

Something very beneficial things that I took away from this class is the idea of branding. In the beginning of the class we talked about setting the stage for your brand and having a consistent theme with your brand. We explored different websites, newsletters, and social media platforms. All of these different businesses had their own set branding. This taught me how important it is to set my brands colors, fonts, and theme to make it memorable to my audience. This is a tool I will most definitely use in the future to have brand recognition and consistency.

For me, in specific, I plan to use Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Pinterest as my soul social media platforms. From exploring these social media platforms and seeing what they offer I have been able to depict each of them and see where they would work for my brand best. All of these platforms help with exposure for my brand and the different tools on the platforms allow for different ways of creating content for my brand. TikTok allows for behind the scenes videos, outfit inspiration, and a personality behind the brand. Instagram has a multitude of advantages to utilize and as well as is one of the best platforms to elevate your brand. Much of the content used on Instagram can be translated onto Pinterest and Facebook. These two social media platforms are great ways to get your brand out to more people, different audiences, and are multiple streams of exposure.

I believe social media marketing is crucial to growing a business, especially a product or service business. I think there are two parts to social media marketing. The first part being creating the content and posting the content, the second part being engaging with your audience. If done wisely for my brand I could spend time creating the content, scheduling the content, and engaging daily on our social media platforms. For my brand when creating content there are photo shoots involved with models, photographers, and stylists. This can be a time-consuming process however if done efficiently each shoot can range from 1-2 hours. After my brand has gotten content I would then need to schedule the content into a content calendar. I could schedule content as far as a week, a month, 2 months, etc. To schedule content for a week it would take about 30 minutes to an hour, with this in mind I can multiply the time to fit in for a month or two months span. Another important thing is engaging with your audience via liking and commenting to get you up into the algorithms. The best amount of time to spend engaging with my audience has been 15 minutes a day.

This class has allowed me to explore the different social media platforms and figure out what will work best for my brand. It has also taught me the importance of branding your brand and allowing for a clear cohesive theme for your brand. When growing an audience there should be brand recognition, quality content, and a social media account that expresses your brand and or sells your products. 

Until next time, 



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