Wrap It Up: Week 16
Wrap It Up: The biggest way in which this class has benefited me and my brand is the new perspective that I look at social media. My new perspective is that social media is not just a sharing platform but it is a business. This class has taught me the fundamentals of preparing your posts beforehand, analyzing your audience, and being strategic with everything you put out on your platforms. Overall, this class has taught me to treat my social media as a valuable tool in growing my business, brand recognition, and audience. Some useful tools that I have learned along the way are including hashtags in your posts. I’ve seen this done by many people however, I never knew the value until I tried it myself. By adding hashtags to your post you allow for more people from different audiences to see your posts and broaden your exposure. This is such a useful tool in exposing your brand to new people and demographics. As well, another tool that I learned in this class that I found very ...